Kickstarter Preview Ready

We've put together a Kickstarter to run alongside the call for geek poetry that we blogged about last week. Here's the link to preview Kickstarter for Geek Poetry. This is the first time we've tried out Kickstarter, and we've tried to follow the really helpful advice that the Kickstarter team have produced for new projects. However we'd also like some feedback from other people too, so please do go over and have a look at it. Use the links there to provide feedback, or failing that send us an email

The outline timetable for this, and the associated poetry anthology is as follows:

8 Jun Call for submissions
22 Jun Launch the Kickstarter
31 Jul Kickstarter and Call for Geek Poetry end
Aug review all the Geek Poetry and produce the long list
7 Sep Confirm the line up for Geek Poetry
28 Sep Finalise content and produce the proofs for poets to review
12 Oct Produce ebook version and order paperback print run, start sending emails to Kickstarter backers with the ebook.
26 Oct Post out all the paperbacks and non-ebook rewards to the Kickstarter backers

That's assuming that everything goes smoothly and there is a reasonable return on the Call for Geek Poetry. Do please spread the word as widely as you can, both to poets and to geeks.

Thank you.