
Poetry We Like

As promised in last week's blog post here are some examples of Geek Poetry that we like. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have other examples of your own. This one will build up as we find more.


Poetry Pointers

Given that we're looking for poetry at the moment we thought that folk might find it useful to give you some insight into what we're expecting and perhaps also some pointers on writing poetry that works for us. This is especially intended to help anyone struggling with their inner editor over whether or not their work is good enough to submit.


2014/06/25 21:22 · James Kemp · 0 Comments · 1 Linkback

Kickstarter Preview Ready

We've put together a Kickstarter to run alongside the call for geek poetry that we blogged about last week. Here's the link to preview Kickstarter for Geek Poetry. This is the first time we've tried out Kickstarter, and we've tried to follow the really helpful advice that the Kickstarter team have produced for new projects. However we'd also like some feedback from other people too, so please do go over and have a look at it. Use the links there to provide feedback, or failing that send us an email


Call for Geek Poetry

Our first formal project is going to be an anothology of Geek Poetry. We want to put together an anthology of poetry that speaks to the Geek inside us all. This could be about computer geekery, superheroes, lego, poetry, Doctor Who or whatever else inspires you both as a geek and as a poet.

This is going to be a kickstarter funded volume, and you can find out more about it over on Kickstarter for Geek Poetry. What this means is two things:

  1. you will be paid for your contribution (at least £30 up front plus royalties on sales);
  2. your help in promoting the kickstarter and rewarding the backers would be appreciated, any ideas you have can be built in.



2014/06/10 14:44 · James Kemp